Monday, March 17, 2014

Latex tips

Will be continually updated

To reduce spacing in math equations: \thinmuskip=0mu

$\mathbb{R}$ : Set of real valued numbers \mathbb{R}
$\mathbb{E}$ : Expected value \mathbb{E}
$\infty$ : Infinity \infty
$\int$ : Integral \int
$\cdot$ : dot product \cdot
$\propto$ : proportional to \propto
$\Re$ : fancy R for set of real numbers \Re
$\nabla$ : upside-down triangle (gradient symbol) \nabla

Curly braces
$\left \{ \dots \right \}$ : Curly braces \left \{ \right \}

$\times$ : Cross product/multiplication \times

$\cup$ : Union operator

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